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Causes and Treatment of Male Pattern Baldness

Male pattern baldness is a condition which involves progressive hair thinning in men. It affects almost 25% of men who are in their 20s and 2/3 of men after 60 years of age. It takes around 15 to 20 years to turn completely bald, while in some cases men go bald in just 5 years.

Baldness begins when the hair becomes thin and starts receding in the front and simultaneously on the top of the head. Gradually, a bald patch develops on the center of the scalp, followed by joining of the depleting area of front hair as well as the bald patches on the top.


Hair is made up of hair follicles which are small sacks beneath the skin’s surface. It is from these sacks that hair grows for about three years, after which it is shed and new hair grows. This process of hair growth, hair shedding and new hair growth continues all through life. Some characteristics when men experience baldness include:

•    The affected hair follicle becomes smaller than normal.
•    New hair is thinner since the follicles are reduced in size.
•    The new hair falls very quickly as compared to the normal time of three years.
•    Just a thin stump of hair and small hair follicles are left.

These changes are caused due to male hormones, particularly testosterone. Other factors which are responsible for baldness include age and heredity problems. Generally, the levels of testosterone in people who become bald are normal. However, for some reasons, the affected hair follicles turn sensitive to DHT or dihydrotestosterone, a hormone formed by testosterone, which causes the hair follicles to shrink.


Basically, the treatment for hair loss or baldness is driven by underlying causes of the condition. For example, if it is genetic, then patients may opt for medication or surgery. However, if hair loss is caused due to stress or certain medications, then getting rid of the cause could improve the symptoms.
Surgery: Surgery is not a cure for baldness, but only a treatment that helps the existing hair to recover lost ground. Surgery includes scalp reduction and hair transplant. Although many people opt for such procedures, they are painful and expensive too. Furthermore, the side effects they cause may include scarring and infection.

Medication: There are many medications that help deal with baldness and promote hair growth. These medicines function by hampering the production of DHT. However, the results are not visible immediately and it may take around four months to a year to notice hair re-growth.

Wigs: In cases where the use of surgical treatment or medication is not an option, people can opt for wigs or hairpieces. Nowadays, there are wigs and hairpieces that provide a natural look and feel.

Drugs like Propecia are known to be very effective in treating male pattern baldness. You can purchase Propecia to effectively treat male pattern baldness in men. It works by preventing the testosterone from converting into dihydrotestosterone, which is directly related to male pattern baldness. However, Propecia is only used for treating male pattern baldness and should never be used by women. You can order Propecia online or from the local pharmacy. However, it is advisable to consult a doctor before you buy Propecia to treat male pattern baldness.