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Page history last edited by John 10 years, 10 months ago


Kanu Surf Men’s Barracuda Trunks


Kanu Surf Men’s Barracuda Trunks are now available for sale at the renowned online shopping stores including Amazon and eBay. It is 11 inch inseam microfiber solid trunks, 100 % Polyester and UPF 50. It can easily be washed in the washing machine. It has an elastic waist with drawstring having 2 side flap pockets. There is a simple contrasting stripe downside that brightens the understated design of Kanu Surf Trunks. Its price range is 7-18 USD. It is available in various colors including Lake Blue, Aqua, Green, Navy, Orange, Red, and Royal, Black, Charcoal and silver. The size that fits you can be selected from the given drop down, i.e. Small, medium, large, x large and xx large. The image can be enlarged to see clearly before placing an order.


visit: http://www.johnsuniquegifts.com/


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